
Tenor Blokkfløyter

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Blokkfløyte Tenor Aulos 211A Barokk

Blokkfløyte Tenor Aulos 211A Barokk
995 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Ehlert 5443, Baroque, Boxwood, Double Keys

Recorder Tenor Moeck Ehlert 5443, Baroque, Boxwood, Double Keys
37 650 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Ehlert 5447, Baroque, Grenadilla Double Keys

Recorder Tenor Moeck Ehlert 5447, Baroque, Grenadilla Double Keys
45 030 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Hotteterre 5453, Baroque, Boxwood, Double holes

Recorder Tenor Moeck Hotteterre 5453, Baroque, Boxwood, Double holes
28 005 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Hotteterre 5454, Baroque, Boxwood, Double holes, 415 Hz

Recorder Tenor Moeck Hotteterre 5454, Baroque, Boxwood, Double holes, 415 Hz
31 390 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Hotteterre 5455, Baroque, Boxwood stained antique, Double holes

Recorder Tenor Moeck Hotteterre 5455, Baroque, Boxwood stained antique, Double holes
29 200 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Hotteterre 5456, Baroque, Boxwood stained antique, Double holes, 415 Hz

Recorder Tenor Moeck Hotteterre 5456, Baroque, Boxwood stained antique, Double holes, 415 Hz
32 615 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Renaissance Consort 8420, Baroque, Maple wood oiled and stained, Single holes. 440 Hz

Recorder Tenor Moeck Renaissance Consort 8420, Baroque, Maple wood oiled and stained, Single holes. 440 Hz
17 765 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Renaissance Consort 8421, Renessanse grep, Maple wood oiled and stained, Single holes. 440 Hz

Recorder Tenor Moeck Renaissance Consort 8421, Renessanse grep, Maple wood oiled and stained, Single holes. 440 Hz
17 765 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Renaissance Consort 8430, Baroque, Maple wood oiled and stained, Key and Fontanel. 440 Hz

Recorder Tenor Moeck Renaissance Consort 8430, Baroque, Maple wood oiled and stained, Key and Fontanel. 440 Hz
23 210 kr
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Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rondo 2400 Baroque, Natural Maple wood, Double Holes

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rondo 2400 Baroque, Natural Maple wood, , Double Holes
6 970 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rondo 2401 Baroque, Maple wood stained

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rondo 2401 Baroque, Maple wood stained
7 215 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rondo 2420 Baroque, Maple wood, Double Keys

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rondo 2420 Baroque, Maple wood, Double Keys
10 495 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rondo 2421 Baroque, Maple wood stained, Double keys

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rondo 2421 Baroque, Maple wood stained, Double keys
10 765 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rondo 2440 Baroque, Maple wood, Double keys, Bent neck

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rondo 2440 Baroque, Maple wood, Double keys, Bent neck
12 055 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rondo 2441 Baroque, Maple wood stained, Double keys, Bent neck

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rondo 2441 Baroque, Maple wood stained, Double keys, Bent neck
12 320 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rondo 2450 Baroque, Maple wood, Double holes, Bent neck

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rondo 2450 Baroque, Maple wood, Double holes, Bent neck
8 400 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rondo 2451 Baroque, Maple wood stained, Double holes, Bent neck

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rondo 2451 Baroque, Maple wood stained, Double holes, Bent neck
8 650 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rondo 2920 Baroque, Maple wood, Plus Keys

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rondo 2920 Baroque, Maple wood, Plus Keys
15 185 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rondo 2921 Baroque, Maple wood stained, Plus Keys

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rondo 2921 Baroque, Maple wood stained, Plus Keys
15 450 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rondo 2940 Baroque, Maple wood stained, Plus Keys, Bent Neck

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rondo 2940 Baroque, Maple wood stained, Plus Keys, Bent Neck
17 010 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rondo 2940 Baroque, Maple wood, Plus Keys, Bent Neck

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rondo 2940 Baroque, Maple wood, Plus Keys, Bent Neck
16 740 kr
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Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rondo 3400 German, Natural Maple wood, Double holes

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rondo 3400 German, Natural Maple wood, Double holes
6 970 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rondo 3420 German, Natural Maple wood, Double Keys

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rondo 3420 German, Natural Maple wood, Double Keys
10 495 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4400, Barokk, Natural Maple Wood, Double Holes

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4400, Barokk, Natural Maple Wood, Double Holes
9 225 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4401, Barokk, Maple Wood stained, Double Holes

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4401, Barokk, Maple Wood stained, Double Holes
9 530 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4404, Barokk, Boxwood, Double Holes

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4404, Barokk, Boxwood, Double Holes
11 165 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4405 Barokk, Boxwood stained, Double Holes

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4405 Barokk, Boxwood stained, Double Holes
14 675 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4407 Barokk, Grenadilla, Double Holes

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4407 Barokk, Grenadilla, Double Holes
18 810 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4420 Barokk, Natural Maple Wood, Double Keys

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4420 Barokk, Natural Maple Wood, Double Keys
13 595 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4421 Barokk, Maple Wood stained, Double Keys

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4421 Barokk, Maple Wood stained, Double Keys
13 925 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4424 Barokk, Boxwood, Double Keys

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4424 Barokk, Boxwood, Double Keys
15 705 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4425 Barokk, Palisander, Double Keys

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4425 Barokk, Palisander, Double Keys
19 525 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4427 Barokk, Grenadilla, Double Keys

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4427 Barokk, Grenadilla, Double Keys
24 025 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4440 Barokk, Natural Maple wood, Double keys, Bent Neck

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4440 Barokk, Natural Maple wood, Double keys, Bent Neck
15 830 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4441 Barokk, Maple wood stained, Double keys, Bent Neck

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4441 Barokk, Maple wood stained, Double keys, Bent Neck
16 160 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4450 Barokk, Natural Maple wood, Double holes, Bent Neck

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4450 Barokk, Natural Maple wood, Double holes, Bent Neck
11 280 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4451 Barokk, Maple wood stained, Double holes, Bent Neck

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4451 Barokk, Maple wood stained, Double holes, Bent Neck
11 585 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4920 Barokk, Maple wood, Plus Keys

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4920 Barokk, Maple wood, Plus Keys
18 865 kr

Blokkfløyte Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4921 Barokk, Maple wood stained, Plus Keys

Recorder Tenor Moeck Rottenburgh 4921 Barokk, Maple wood stained, Plus Keys
19 195 kr

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