
Slagverk - Skarptromme - Klokkespillpakker

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Klokkespillpakke Hau-Sheng, m/Stativ, Bag og Trommepad

Bell Kit Hau-Sheng HG-32B-Set, w/Stand, Bag & Practice Pad
4 850 kr 4 365 kr

Klokkespillpakke Ludwig LM652BBR m/Backpack Bag, Klokkespill, Trommepad, Stativ

Bell Kit Ludwig LM652BBR w/Backpack Bag, Bells, Snare Drum and Combo Stand
4 790 kr 4 311 kr

Klokkespillpakke Ludwig LM652RBR m/Rolling Bag, Klokkespill, Trommepad, Stativ

Bell Kit Ludwig LM652RBR w/Rolling Bag, Bells, Snare Drum and Combo Stand
5 460 kr 4 914 kr

Klokkespillpakke Majestic AK32P, Backpack Kit w/Pad, Bell Stand, 2,5 Okt. Bell Stand, Bells, Music Stand, Sticks, Mallets

Bell Kit Majestic AK32P, Backpack Percussion Kit. 2,5 Oct. Bells, 8 Pad, Music Stand, Sticks, Mallets, Backpack Carrying Case
2 625 kr 2 365 kr
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Klokkespillpakke Majestic AK32PB, Backpack Percussion Kit w/Bells

Bell Kit Majestic AK32PB, Backpack Percussion Kit. 2,5 Okt. Bells, Music Stand, Mallets, Backpack Carrying Case
1 730 kr 1 560 kr
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Klokkespillpakke Majestic AK32PC, Easy Roll Cart, Bell/Pad Kit. 2.5 Okt. Bells, Practice Pad.

Bell Kit Majestic AK32PC, Easy Roll Cart, Bell/Pad Kit. 2.5 Okt. Bells, Practice Pad
2 795 kr 2 520 kr

Klokkespillpakke Pearl PK-910, Percussion Kit w/8 Pad Complete w/Bag & Cart

Percusison Kit Pearl PK-910, Percussion Kit w/8 Pad Complete w/Bag & Cart
4 775 kr 4 537 kr

Klokkespillpakke Pearl PK-910C, Percussion Kit w/Built In Cart Carrying Case w/8 Pad

Percussion Kit Pearl PK-910C, Percussion Kit w/Built In Cart Carrying Case w/8 Pad
5 330 kr 5 064 kr

Skarptrommepakke Ludwig Jet Pak LE2477RBR m/Rolling Bag

Snare Drum Kit Ludwig Jet Pak LE2477RBR w/Rolling Bag, Snare Drum, Practice Pad and Stand
6 975 kr 6 278 kr
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Skarptrommepakke Majestic AK14D, Backpack Snaredrum Kit

Snare Drum Kit Majestic AK14D, Backpack, Snare Drum 14, Pad 14, Stand, Sticks, Backpack Carrying Case
2 450 kr 2 205 kr

Skarptrommepakke Majestic AK14DC, Incl Pad,Trolley

Snare Drum Kit Majestic AK14DC, Pull Cart Kit
2 625 kr 2 365 kr

Slagverkpakke Ludwig Combo Kit LE2483RBR m/Rolling Bag, Skarptromme, Klokkespill, Trommepad Combo Stand

Combo Kit Ludwig LE2483RBR w/Rolling Bag, Snare Drum, Bells, Practice Pad and Combo Stand
7 400 kr 6 660 kr
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Slagverkpakke Majestic AK1432DP, Easy Roll Cart Snaredrum/Bell/Pad Kit

Snare Drum Kit Majestic AK1432DP, Easy Roll Cart, Snare Drum, Bells, Practice Pad
4 535 kr 4 085 kr

Slagverkpakke Pearl PL-910C, Percussion Training Center w/Built In Cart Bag

Percussion Kit Pearl PL-910C, Percussion Training Center w/Built In Cart Bag
7 385 kr 7 016 kr