
Gongklubbe Dragonfly Percussion SNG, Small Nipple Gong

Gong Beater Dragonfly Percussion SNG, Small Nipple Gong
Tilgjengelighet: Bestillingsvare
Varenummer: DF-SNG
700 kr
665 kr
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Gongklubbe Dragonfly Percussion SNG, Small Nipple Gong

Small Nipple Gong (SNG)
80mm Low-profile synthetic rubber core on ¾ x 13.5 hickory handle covered in single layer of fleece. This stick is specifically designed for tuned nipple-gongs (best for gongs 10-18 in diameter). Great clarity, immediate response with minimal tick. Light enough for good maneuverability and heavy enough for a full-bodied sound.
Gongklubbe Dragonfly Percussion SNG, Small Nipple Gong

Small Nipple Gong (SNG)
80mm Low-profile synthetic rubber core on ¾ x 13.5 hickory handle covered in single layer of fleece. This stick is specifically designed for tuned nipple-gongs (best for gongs 10-18 in diameter). Great clarity, immediate response with minimal tick. Light enough for good maneuverability and heavy enough for a full-bodied sound.
Fabrikat-ForlagDragonfly Percussion
ProduktGong - Tam-Tam Beaters
SerieDragonfly Gong Beaters
FargeRed Head
HardhetMedium Hard
MaterialeCloth Head
MaterialeHickory Handle
Fabrikat-ForlagDragonfly Percussion
ProduktGong - Tam-Tam Beaters
SerieDragonfly Gong Beaters
FargeRed Head
HardhetMedium Hard
MaterialeCloth Head
MaterialeHickory Handle